Products & Services

ACA Compliance

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires large employers to offer affordable health care coverage to eligible employees and report their compliance to the IRS for each tax year. Is your company prepared?

Let HR ease take the stress out of ACA compliance by continuously monitoring and reporting your company’s compliance risks.

We track and manage all of your employee’s eligibility, even for hourly workers, so you’ll always know if you are in compliance. Easily set up Benefit Classes based on employee type that determines employee eligibility for specific plans and rates. Our enrollment system captures proof of offering and acceptance waivers for all your eligible employees.

We maintain your company’s ACA Rules on line and provide the following real time ALE trending data and management reports to track your compliance:

  • Affordability (measured monthly)
  • Standard reports
  • Initial Eligiblity Reports
  • Email Eligiblity Reports
  • Hour and Wage detail
  • Summation
  • Exception Reports

IRS reporting made easy

Automatically generated 1094-C and 1095-C tax forms with Electronic filing for larger companies (250+).

Minimize manual effort and reduce risk of error

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